AntiOxidant Protection

Safeguarding Your Skin: Unveiling the Power of Sunscreen

Safeguarding Your Skin: Unveiling the Power of Sunscreen

It's hard to believe we're already midsummer and oh man is the heat on! 😅

 Sunshine is a top source of Vitamin D3 needed for balanced hormones, a strong immune system, brain, bones and teeth, as well as has energizing and uplifting effect on our soul.

 So how can we reap the benefits of these golden rays without worrying about free radical damage from UV radiation? Do we wear sunscreen or don't we? Sun protection is a subject in hot debate.. some even say sunscreen can do more harm than good! Which camp are you in?

Are Zombie Cells Making You Age Faster?

Are Zombie Cells Making You Age Faster?

As the warmer months approach, you may be upping your game when it comes to sun protection, but a new area of study may make you look at how you protect your skin against environmental damage.

One of the newer areas of study in terms of longevity and healthy aging are a phenomenon known as zombie cells.

One of the key areas of protecting our youthful complexion are to protect and strengthen our collagen reserves. The fibroblasts in our dermis are responsible for the production of collagen to form connective tissue and assist in wound healing of the skin.