Healthy Skin Tips

10 things that destroy your skin health

10 things that destroy your skin health

At High Vibration Skincare, we believe that healthy and radiant skin goes hand in hand with a well balanced and fulfilling life. We understand that the condition of your skin is not only an external reflection of your inner well-being but also an integral part of your overall health. As we aim to empower you to make informed choices about your skincare regimen, we believe it is crucial to shed light on the factors that can wreak havoc on your skin health.

Why the Ph of your Skin Matters

Why the Ph of your Skin Matters

Did you know that the pH of your skin can determine how healthy, glowing and vibrant it is? That's because the skin's pH plays a key role in maintaining a healthy and strong lipid barrier and providing a thriving environment for your skin's microbiome and immune system. The integrity of our lipid barrier is one of the main factors in maintaining healthy, high vibrational skin. If our skin immunity is constantly being activated, our ability to create new and healthy cells becomes impaired resulting in skin issues and premature aging.