How to Practice Self-Care and Stay Healthy While Starting a Side Hustle

Guest Author: Brad Krause

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A side hustle can be a great way to make some extra money. That said, managing a full-time job along with obligations like taking care of family is already a lot of work. Adding a side hustle to the mix can be downright daunting. To ensure lasting success, it's essential to make time for self-care, which will ensure you don't burn out. This guide covers some affordable and efficient self care techniques.

Invest in your health with nutritious meals

Nutritious food gives you energy, allowing you to stay physically fit and mentally focused on your day-to-day tasks. When you're starting a side hustle, you won't have a lot of time to cook. To fix the issue, focus on preparing make-ahead meals that you can pop into the oven or reheat on the stove anytime. This roundup of options offers plenty of delicious dishes, from chickpea salad to quiche lorraine.

Find time to exercise with DIY home workouts

Physical activity is also an important component of self care. However, again, when you're strapped for time because you're starting a side hustle, finding time to hit the gym is tough. Stay-at-home workouts are the answer. Look for programs specifically designed for your unique needs. For example, What To Expect has a roundup of home workouts for moms.

Don't forget to get enough sleep

When you're juggling kids, work, and a side hustle, sleep is probably your last priority. Big mistake! Ensure you're getting your Z's or you risk burning out. Start by creating a sleep-friendly bedroom where you'll drift off quickly. Limit noise with a sound machine and eliminate extra light with black-out curtains. Also, eliminate clutter, which can cause anxiety and make sleeping tough.

Learn to recognize signs of stress and how to handle them

Staying on top of all your obligations can be tough, especially if you're a busy mom who's also pursuing a passion project. Make sure to recognize signs of stress and come up with a plan to handle them. Ideas for managing stress include going for a walk, listening to music, and making time for friends. You can also try activities like meditation to relieve stress.

Take 15 minutes of "me time" every day

When you're focused on a side hustle, it can be tempting to devote all your free time and energy to it. However, it's important to set aside some time every day that's devoted just to your own self-care. Take 15 minutes to do an activity that has nothing to do with any major goals but is just about your enjoyment. There are many 15-minute self care activities, like reading or journaling.

Invest in home maintenance services

If you’re having trouble making “me time,” it may be time to get some help around the house. For instance, you can hire a cleaning service to come in every couple weeks, or you can bring in a handyman to handle routine repairs. When it comes time to tackle larger jobs, pros like gutter cleaners can help you maintain your home. To find reputable professionals, search “residential gutter cleaning near me” and read customer feedback and ratings. It’s recommended that you have your gutters cleaned twice a year.

Invest in technology to streamline your work processes

You can help create time for self-care and improve your work-life balance by making your work processes more efficient. For example, you can use free tools to simplify your work processes such as an invoice generator. You can find free tools online that let you customize invoices with details like text, photos, and logos. You might also consider employing a virtual assistant.

A side hustle can be a fun passion project. However, you still have to make time to take care of yourself. Eat nutritiously, stay fit, get enough sleep, recognize signs of stress, and invest in home maintenance services like gutter cleaning.

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