Mindful Eating

Youth Preserving Elixir

Youth Preserving Elixir

Truly radiant skin cannot be found in a bottle alone. It requires a holistic approach to caring for your skin. By topically applying key antiaging nutrients COUPLED with a nutrient-rich diet and skin supporting supplements, we can prevent premature aging and slow the hands of time, preserving our youthful glow. Our anti-aging mission is to support deep cell hydration, minimize inflammation in the body and skin, optimize cell function and repair mechanisms, and ensure proper blood flow and lymphatic drainage in order to effectively remove waste and assimilate nutrients.

The Youth Preserving Elixir is power-packed with skin-nourishing ingredients that focus on strengthening the skin’s ability to repair DNA, produce healthy collagen and elastin, and protect itself against free radical damage.

Understanding Food Cravings and Addictions

Understanding Food Cravings and Addictions

I think we’ve all experienced emotional eating at some point whether it was to ease boredom, soothe uncomfortable emotions or even celebrate, rather than to satisfy REAL hunger. We may even have felt powerless to our cravings. Unfortunately, emotional hunger can’t be satisfied with food and perpetuates a self defeating cycle of guilt and shame.

How can you spot emotional hunger and what can you do about it? Emotional hunger usually pops up as sudden craving for a specific food, often resulting from a specific situation or emotional trigger. Another clue is a feeling of not being satisfied even after being full.

If you pay close attention to your cravings, you can create a practice of replacing your "unhealthy comfort foods" with more nutritious versions, while also satisfying your cravings.