silk peel dermal infusion

Blackheads, the silent epidemic?

Blackheads, the silent epidemic?

Are stubborn blackheads standing in between you and flawless skin?

If so, you're not alone. In fact, chronic blackheads are among the top frustratingly hard-to-get-rid-of skin issues as scrubs, masks, biore strips and drying potions achieve momentary relief at best. That's because there is more to the story.

Have you ever wondered where blackheads come from? Hint: It's not because you have large pores, oily skin or are genetically pre-disposed.

Skin issues are rarely isolated, and blackheads are no exception. That is why focusing on treating just the surface doesn't seem to have lasting results. A "perfect storm" of internal imbalances and external influences is typically involved and treating them successfully requires us to think like Nancy Drew.