#New Years Resolutions

Creating Healthy Habits That Stick

Creating Healthy Habits That Stick

I don't know about you, but I'm glad 2016 is gone.  For me, a new year symbolizes a chance to start fresh and start a new chapter.  The process of shedding old thoughts, feelings and less than optimal habits and replacing them with inspired new ideas and goals is very therapeutic.   

Creating lasting change is not easy.  I know this all too well.  “Tomorrow mentality” is an easy trap to fall into.  My diet starts tomorrow. I’ll start running on Monday. I’ll spend more time with my family as soon as this project is finished at work.  The truth is, the more we avoid looking at the things we need to change, the harder it is to start.    The decision to start NOW is the foundation of habit formation or elimination.   Whether I’m mindfully chewing my food 20 times before swallowing, drinking lemon water first thing in the morning or tracking daily spending, in order for us to live our lives according to our highest values and priorities we must instill daily practices.

Why are habits so important to a happy life?